Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I l0Ve U alL!

1. Everyone is waiting for mate or partner, and usually it is not far away from you. Rarely meet people who are away from it mate.

2. Mate of the decree, and we must strive. Prayer, the right effort and hard with the resignation, insyaAllah will find you and your partner.

3. Many people still see matchmaking as easily discouraged. Keep going until you see mate.

4. Balance your life properly so that you become like "magnets" that attract you to your prospective spouse.

5. The real attraction based on the noble heart. Do your best to wash your heart from all the negative feelings towards everyone in the world.

6. Some people love simple, with careful washing of worship, prayers of repentance, forgiveness, read the Quran, forgive others, seek forgiveness, charity, and positive thinking.

7. Loved all those around you and you will draw love to you. If you hate the people, feared to be your partner will hate you.

8. People are looking for partner must always be prepared to meet with the spouse at any time. Therefore, we must always in the most exciting all the time. First impressions are important.

9. For men, the first attraction is the clothes. For women, facial and body become the first attraction. Prepare yourself to capture your prospective partner.

10. Open your mind and heart to receive love. Love can be fruitful at any time. Love comes easily to those who are always ready to receive love.

I l0Ve U alL!

hello :D ari nie tk tau npe la aq rajin nk update lak :D maybe tngh bosan :D tp APE YG AQ TAU I LOVE MY FRIEND haha tu je rse nye nk bg tau :D